The World Bank has appointed Susan Goldmark its new country director for Nepal.
Susan Goldmark
Susan Goldmark
She will succeed Kenichi Ohashi, who served in the position since 2000. Ohashi, meanwhile, will take up the position of country director for Ethiopia and Sudan.
According to the WB, Goldmark was selected through a Bank-wide competitive managerial selection process. She will assume office as a country director from July 1st.
Commenting on her appointment, Goldmark said, “When I was a 20 year old student I lived in Nepal and was captivated by the country’s peoples, cultures and beauty. I feel privileged and excited to be returning at this time of both promise and challenges. I look forward to supporting the goals of peace and development in Nepal.”
She had joined the Bank in 1988 as a Private Sector Development specialist in the Africa Region and since then has held various positions including sector manager for the Finance, Private Sector Development and Energy clusters in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.