Students take out ‘peaceful’ protests

January 8, 2004

Hundreds of students Thursday continued to protest “regression” at the streets of Kathmandu shouting aggressive slogans. The protests, however, were peaceful, as there was no police intervention.

The students shouted slogans such as “Down with monarchism”, “We want republic” and “Long live democracy”, among others.

Students first held a “public hearing” at the premises of Tri Chandra College. The hearing was titled “Is monarchy relevant in today’s Nepal?”

Then the students took out mass rallies in the capital streets starting from the Ratnapark area. The rallies ferried Bag Bazaar, Putali Sadak, Shahid Gate, New Road, Ason and Bhotahiti areas before converging into a corner meeting at Ratnapark area again.

Addressing the gathering, student leaders of ANNFSU and Nepal Students’ Association (NSU) warned the party leaders not to “bow down” in front of the King.

“All Nepali people are with our movement and against monarchism. They have welcomed our rallies,” said Khimlal Bhattarai, secretary general of All Nepal National Free Students Union (ANNFSU).

“This protest rally is an evident that today’s youth is not for the continuation of monarchy in Nepal,” said Gagan Thapa, secretary general of NSU.

As informed by the student leaders, they are organising “huge” rallies and protests Saturday (January 10), in which leaders of the five agitating parties will also participate.

On Friday, women wings of the student organisations will take out rallies in the capital, the student leaders said. mr Jan 8