Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula has directed the security agencies to take stronger measures to control growing criminal activities in the country.
Addressing a meeting of security agencies and administrators of the central region organised in the capital on Friday to devise strategy to curb growing criminal activities, Sitaula said the government was ready to take any risk when it moves ahead with news crime-controlling measures.
He, however, cautioned that the actions against criminal activities should not pose difficulties to the general public.
Sitaula also asked the district administrators of the central region to start works to update the electoral list of voters who are eligible for exercising their adult franchise in the constituent assembly polls. He further said the district administration should also begin preparations for distribution of citizenship to Nepalis who have not received it before the election to constituent assembly polls are held as per the agreement reached among the eight parties.
“We have limited time. All works would not be completed if you do not begin works immediately,” he said.
Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Bhoj Raj Pokhrel stressed the need to start works soon so that elections are held in a free and fair manner.
Home Ministry secretary Umesh Mainali asked the security officers to work without feeling any kind of pressure from political parties or any other side.