Kathmandu: The freshly concluded congress led drama entertained the national population for a while as usual. The fact is that the lay men have become addict to such meaningless drama staged by the congress to the extent that they have started asking as to when such similar show will again entertain them?
Now that the Deuba motion of no confidence against his former mentor Koirala has already gone to the dogs, let us examine how it so happened and what could be other Deuba moves in the days ahead in his avowed goal of unseating his arch political rival-Koirala who is at the moment President of the party and the Prime Minister of the country.
Regarding the point as to how Deuba had to see the already predicted defeat at time of the election last week on the motion, it could be said that even Deuba close supporters did not dare to get themselves exposed in front of Koirala for obvious reasons.
Firstly, they might have thought that Koirala continues to possess both carrot and stick which could elevate them to power if one sided with him or conversely penalise capping totally their future prospects in the party.
It could also be that the Deuba deserters might have concluded that till Koirala remains in power, no force on earth could destabilise the latter come what may.
Thirdly, the black brief-case power apparently also has worked to a greater extent say media reports.
Finally, there could have been some tacit understanding in between K.P and G.P to avert the crisis in which the congress was in for the moment.
Of all the possible arguments, the first and the third one appears to have worked clandestinely.
This means that the personalities who deserted Deuba this round and left him in the cold will perhaps be rewarded some time after the Pokhara convention. And Koirala will do this to ensure his Pokhara victory and keep the Deuba deserters intact with him forcing them to vote for him at Pokhara.
After all, a deserter will not simply desert his or her fast friend unless some sweets were forwarded from the rival camp. This is not unusual in politics and more so in congress politics.
The end result of the congress feud has been that Koirala has forced Deuba to weep jarringly for some time to come.
Intellectuals, however, maintain that if the elections were held as per the demands of Deuba, things would surely have gone in favor of Deuba. Since this was a foregone conclusion, hence the opposite camp vetoed the election to go Koirala’s way that is an open one. This procedure was applied also to ascertain as to whom sided with Deuba in order to serve penalties on them. This cut the prospects of Deuba who opted to go in for a face-saving formula and consequently he and his group boycotted the whole election affair in protest.
Coming to the second part of our analysis on the possible moves Deuba could yet possess under his sleeve against Koirala, what could be said from his fresh utterances is that he will not let Koirala go his desired way.
To bag sympathies from politically biased intellectuals, party workers, media men in his fold and others, Deuba threw a sumptuous dinner Monday evening and sought their support at time of Pokhara convention where he will challenge President Koirala for the congress presidency. This dinner has come just after Koirala threw a tea-party reception to woo his voters and the NC lawmakers who sided with Deuba at time of the fresh congress power snatching game.
The fact is that no one attached to the congress including the parliamentarians could be trusted for long. This is perhaps their own conclusion. So what Deuba would gain from such meaningless dinner is simply intriguing. Yet one must admire his courage that he will see Koirala face to face at Pokhara whose results are almost clear to all including Deuba.
The sinking horse that is Deuba must come to sense and conclude that till Koirala is alive, none of his tricks and tact would work to destabilize his opponent’s rule be it in the party or the government.
More or less, what could be summarized from Koirala’s behavior experienced so far is that until he himself wishes to retire from both the posts, no other personality could dare to unseat him.
Koirala is the party president come Pokhara convention provided he wishes to gift his presidency to any one of his chums. Deuba’s political future after Pokhara will be taken care hopefully by the media close to him.