Sanitation Week being observed

June 18, 2000

Kathmandu, June 18:In order to announce the launch of “Sanitation Week”, Steering Committee for National Sanitation Action called a press meet today. The “Sanitation Week” will run for seven days from today.

According to the Committee about 28,000 kids lose their lives and the nation bears the damage of about Rs. 10 billion annually mainly due to lack of awareness about cleanliness and sanitation among the public.

The committee claimed that almost 80 per cent of Nepalese do not use toilets in Nepal. It identified lack of toilets, use of uncleaned toilets and improper hand wash after the use of toilets as some of the reasons for deaths of thousands of Nepalese children.

It further said that 80 per cent of communicable diseases are caused by unsafe drinking water.

The committee also appealed governmental, non-governmental and social organisations to join hands to accelerate campaign to create awareness regarding personal hygiene among the public.

During the press meet, representatives from Department of Drinking Water and Sewerage, UNICEF Nepal and Federation of Village Development Committees highlighted the situation of sanitation in Nepal. They claimed that return of the investment done for sanitation is more than five times the amount.