Sa… Karnali and documentaries… my experience

October 4, 2006

‘Pressure for making the 2nd product becomes even more with the success of the first.’ I had only heard of this. Now I realise – it is not completely untrue.

By Kiran Shrestha

My first independent film Bhedako Oon Jasto… in search of a song (BKOJ) gave me enough that a filmmaker from Nepal would expect. It gave me recognition, it took me places and more of all it has given me and our company a sustainable PR value.

As I never intended to make money with it – it is easier for me as I do not have to evaluate what it has given in financial equations.

Along with all these it also gave me the pressure. Pressure to continue and show that it was not just a fluke.

When Bhedako Oon Jasto… in search of a song (BKOJ) was made and released – there were mixed reactions. Some said – it was just a fun film… I agreed. Some said – it was only the characters who took the film along… I did not defend. Some said – it was only an over hyped film by the media as Narayan Wagle (from Kantipur) was involved… I never said anything.

For me it was a film – made with passion. The only thing I had in mind while putting it together was – we are making this film for the Nepali audience – whom I think own it the most.

When the film was premiered at Film South Asia ’03 – it bagged the special mention award. From then it has travelled around the world including recognised ethnographic film festivals like – Bilan in Paris and RAI film festival at Oxford .

For people who found BKOJ only a comedy filled light hearted film – I did not have to disagree, the selectors of RAI and Bilan did it for me.

It was great to realise BKOJ being accepted by several categories – as a musical film, a mountain / Himalayan film, and even as an ethnographic film.

In fact, after I complete a film – I always prefer to wait and watch for the audience to decide on which category / segment they would decide to keep my film.

Even with Sa Karnali through Dolpa… I have not improved. I have not been able to put this film in a fixed category.

However, a very simple category I assume people will put this into is – as a making of a music video.

Some may find it similar to BKOJ in terms of making style. Some may find the places we travelled interesting. Some may find the characters interesting. Some may find the issues raised within informative, and some may disapprove the film straight.

This time too neither I will disagree, nor defend.

I am glad to have captured spontaneous moments and statements from Bhusan, Amrit and Thinle. I believe this film will expose another dimension of these personalities (as BKOJ did for Narayan and Amrit).

Both BKOJ and Sa Karnali are travel based films. In BKOJ – I had simply followed a musical team comprising of a journalist and a musician who followed a folk tunes through the trails of Langtang region. This time – I have followed a music video production through the landscapes of Dolpa… simple…

Bhusan, the music video director along with Amrit, the singer and Thinle – the actor of Caravan fame are the main characters followed in the films. Others like – Nagendra Budhathoki – the then Dolpa District Development Committee vice-chairman, Bidhur – the cinematographer, Raju Yakacha – the makeup artists, and Laxmi – the original contributor (sankalankarta) of the melody all have things to say.

As BKOJ – Sa Karnali is also something that happened to me. They are not planned documentaries. The spontaneous documentation of the process both follows is what these are all about.

As Sa Karnali… hits the theatre, I will now patiently wait and see – which category the audience and critics decide to label this film with.

Whatever the comment or categorisation it may receive, I will neither defend nor disagree. I will take it as an inspiration for my third film, whenever it may happen to me.

(Sa… Karnali… through Dolpa… is a 51 minutes film that follows the shooting of a 3’45” song Sa… Karnali… by Nepathya. Thinle, the lead character of the Oscar nominated – Caravan ( Himalaya ) – volunteers to be part of the venture and joins Amrit – the singer of Nepathya in the video. The film is being released at Kumari Hall on 6th October – Ed)

(A team leader of nepa-laya, Kiran has worked closely with many artists, writers, filmmakers and can be reached at [email protected]. His 1st independent film – Bhedako Oon Jasto… in search of a song had won a Special mention Award at FSA 03, and has travelled around the globe in festivals.)

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