Chairman of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) Pashupati SJB Rana has urged the seven-party government to become clear in its agendas for peace talks.
In an interview with Nepal Samacharpatra daily Monday, Rana accused the seven political parties and the government of lacking clarity in their agendas whereas the Maoists have come strongly with clear agendas.
“To date, the Maoists are moving ahead with clear agendas than the parties. I find them very smart,” he said, adding, “The Maoists seem to be taking every step very cautiously but it’s not the case with the parties, which could be because of the presence of large number of people [within the seven-party alliance].”
Added he, “The government also needs to be deft while dealing with the Maoists. Only then the talks can be fruitful.”
Rana said his party was yet to determine its agenda for election to constituent assembly and added that the parties should not stick only to the debate whether the constituent assembly should be conditional and unconditional but they should be open to all models that have been practiced the world over.
The RPP chief further said that for restoration of peace the current ceasefire should be managed properly before the formation of an interim government and the constituent assembly elections.
Even as it criticized the King’s direct rule, the RPP was not a part of the people’s movement led by the seven-party alliance but welcomed the restoration of the parliament and its recent proclamation that clipped the King’s power.