Senior journalists and tourism experts pointed out the important role of media to promote the tourism of the country by disseminating analytical and authentic news based on facts and figures in an interactive workshop today.
Most of the participants expressed their views that some baseless news regarding the present situation of Nepal highlighted in international media has been creating a negative impact in the tourism industry and damaging the image of the country in the international arena.
The title of the workshop was “Role of Media in Enhancing Tourism Industry: With Special Reference to the Conflict Situation and its Impact on Rural Tourism”, but the participants from various media emphasized on the need of proper information sources, regular interaction between tourism experts and media people and capacity building of journalists regarding tourism related subjects in the program.
Senior journalist Kanak Mani Dixit shared his views that development of professionalism in the Nepali media now became a matter of pride among Nepali journalists. He also suggested that journalists writing about the tourism sector should know more about the culture and the mountains of our country, which are the symbol of national identity.
Likewise, senior journalists Yuba Raj Ghimire and Rajendra Dev Acharya also highlighted the important role of media in the development of tourism.
Tourism experts Tek Bahadur Dangi, Tek Chandra Pokharel and Ambika Shrestha also expressed the vital role of media in tourism promotion. Nepal Tourism Board has set up a media center to disseminate information among media people in an efficient manner, they added. rh Dec. 25