Indian Foreign Minister Natwar Singh and US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice.
The annual global report of the Amnesty International has said the human rights situation deteriorated sharply during the direct rule of King.
The global report said that there were gross violations of human rights – killings, illegal detentions, abductions and disappearances amongst others – both by the security forces and Maoists during the period.
“The human rights situation deteriorated sharply after King Gyanendra seized direct power and declared a state of emergency. Civil liberties were undermined, with thousands of politically motivated arrests, strict media censorship and harassment of human rights defenders,” the ‘Amnesty International Report 2006, the state of the world’s human rights’ said.
Judges and lawyers faced harassment and intimidation by the security forces while many people freed by the courts were rearrested, it said.
The arrest of thousands of political activists, human rights defenders, students, trade unionists and journalists were also included in the report.
“The human rights community was directly targeted in the crackdown during the state of emergency. Scores of human rights activists were arrested, and many faced harassment by security forces and civil authorities,” the report said of the situation of human rights defenders during the king’s rule.
The global human rights body has also accused Maoists of carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians. The rebels have been held responsible for abduction, torture and killing of civilians on the charge of spying.
The report further said children faced rights abuses from both the warring factions as they were reportedly detained and tortured by the security forces and abducted and recruited in the Maoist militia. Children were also killed in indiscriminate attacks.
On Nepali women’s issues, AI reported that the conflict led to many reported incidents of trafficking, rape and other sexual violence. The conflict exacerbated the existing discrimination against women, according to a report made public here by AI Nepal Section.
As for economic, social and cultural rights, the report said, “The impact of the conflict severely reduced people’s ability to enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights.”
The report also highlighted issues of displacement, strikes and insecurity that barred people from enjoying their rights.
The AI quoted its Secretary General Irene Khan as saying: “Governments collectively and individually paralysed international institutions and squandered public resources in pursuit of narrow security interests, sacrificed principles in the name of the war on terror and turned a blind eye to massive human rights violations.”