Kathmandu, June 21: In the l0 years since the restoration of democracy, the downtrodden communities, which comprise 20 per cent of the total population of the country, have not been able to enjoy the rights provided for under the constitution, on par with other communities.
This complaint was voiced by leaders of the downtrodden and intellectuals participating in an interaction programme on a movement for the rights of the downtrodden organised here Tuesday by the Nepal Society for the Liberation of the Downtrodden and Oppressed Communities central working committee.
Addressing the programme, National Assembly member Lal Bahadur Bishwakarma said that although the Civil Code and the Constitution have ended the practice of untouchability and communal discrimination, these laws have not taken effect in practice. He drew the attention of the government to the need for sanctions against individuals engaging in such practices.
Former MP and chairman of the Downtrodden Rights and Communal Discrimination Concern Center Man Bahadur Bishwakarma said although the problem of the downtrodden has become aggravated throughout the country, the government is not showing any sensitivity towards this, adding that the demand of the downtrodden is to be allowed to live as equals within the parameters of the rights provided for by the constitution and the laws.
Downtrodden NGOs federation chairman Chakraman Bishwakarma said the downtrodden would not be uplifted until there is change in the existing social structures and the downtrodden are represented at the decision making level.
Kamala Himchuli of the Downtrodden Services Association called for downtrodden solidarity to further the downtrodden liberation movement.
Central member of the Society Hasta Bahadur Bishwakarma said the government has not paid attention to the l8 point demand presented to the Prime Minister last year including a demand for reservations. The society is therefore to picket Singha Durbar on June 23 and start a fast from the 24th to press for fulfillment of the demands.
During the interaction chaired by chairman of the society Padma Lal Bishwakarma, member of the Human Rights Commission Kapil Shrestha, chairman of the Human Rights Preservation Forum Padma Ratna Tulahar, chairman of the Nepal Downtrodden Association Man Bahadur Bishwakarma, Gopal Shivakoti ‘Chintan’ of Inhured International Nepal, Kul Raj Ghimire of Grinso Nepal, DB Sagar of the Foundation for Popular Uplift and others also expressed their views.