Religious leaders call on Ian Martin

February 12, 2006

Leaders of various faiths in Nepal have called on chief of the UN Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal, Ian Martin, and apprised him of their views regarding resolving the decade-old armed conflict in the country.

Ian Martin

Ian Martin (File Photo)
During their meeting on Friday, the religious leaders urged Martin to play a pro-active role in protecting and promoting human rights in the country and said the religious community was of the view that both the sides in the Nepal conflict must renounce violence and return to the table of negotiation without preconditions.

During the meeting, Martin said the religious communities could play an important and meaningful role in ending violence and restoring a durable peace in Nepal. He said the UN as well as its Secretary General Kofi Annan was concerned about the deteriorating rights situation in Nepal and was ever ready to offer its good offices to help find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

The delegation led by chairman of Inter-Religious Peace Committee Nepal (IRPCN) Achyut Raj Regmi included vice chairman of the committee, Dr KB. Rokaya, secretary KP Chaulagain, Bhikku Anand, Rev. Simon Gurung, Hamid Ansari and Mrs Indira Manandhar, among others.

The delegation represented Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Christian and Bahai communities in Nepal, according to the IRPCN.