KATHMDNU: Teesta Setavald, journalist, professional writer and human rights activist of India has been conferred the third Prakash Kaphley International Solidarity Award 2002.
The award was jointly established by Group for International Solidarity Nepal and Prakash Kaphley Memorial Foundation in 1997. The award is given to individuals and organizations contributing in the field of human rights and showing solidarity to protect and promote human rights. The award is given every two years and carries a purse of US$ 2,000.
Ms Teesta, born in 1962, has been active with the Bombay Union of Journalists and is one of the founding members of the ‘Women and Media Committee.’ She was also chosen for the year 2000 Human Rights Award for her contribution to human rights.
The nomination committee has prominent personalities from India, Bangladesh, USA, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The first recipient of the award was Tek Nath Rizal, the Bhutanese human rights and democratic leader, while the second was the Neelan Tiruchelvam, a Sri Lankan Human rights activist, lawyer and academic.