Kathmandu: The former all powerful General Secretary of the Maoists insurgency, Comrade Prachanda alias Pushpa Kamal Dahal has declared himself to be the Chairman of the party.
This he did at the recently concluded party’s second general convention, which was held in Rolpa.
Rolpa is a district where the Maoists insurgents rule the roost.
After the conclusion of the second convention the party headed by Prachanda has concluded that in Nepal there were not any real communist parties.
Most surprisingly, the Maoists party has now renounced its former demand of having a constituent assembly. Instead the party now prefers to push its fresh wish for the formation of an “interim government” at the center. Unbelievably, the party indirectly has expressed its desire to participate in such a government should it come into existence in the near future.
Notably, the Maoists too have concluded that the situation in the country had already become chaotic and that to bring about a solution to the existing anomalies the insurgents were ready to initiate dialogues with the representatives of the King, the government, the congress, the UML.
The fact is that the Maoists have wished to come to the table for a dialogue with those political forces who remained instrumental in the framing of the constitution now in force.
The statement released by the party, however, remains silent on its reaction to the formation of the Armed Police Force by the Koirala regime.
Significantly, the statement stresses the need to coordinate the vast and important changes seen in the world in the recent years with the strategies of the long-term people’s war and People’s armed revolution. The statement also concludes that no any guaranteed model of the proletariat revolution could now be developed in the changed context of today.
The statement issued on the occasion of the second general convention of the party, however, remains tight-lipped regarding the status of Comrade Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai-one of the key ideologue of the Maoists movement.
Undenyingly, the fresh statement from the quarter of the insurgency is a changed one compared to its previous ones.
Remarkably, the insurgents have yet again wished to come to the dialogues. It is perhaps time that the responsible quarters read in between the lines from the statement.