Political and economic stability must to develop living standards of people: Khetan

September 10, 2006

Industrialist Rajendra Kumar Khetan has said that Nepal needs to develop strong political and economic stability to develop standards of living of all its citizens.

Khetan releasing the ?Business Vision 2006?.

Khetan releasing the “Business Vision 2006”.
Speaking at a programme organized to release “Business Vision 2006”, published by Kathmandu University School of Management, he said, “If we cannot stop this conflict, the country will be a failed state within a couple of years. Therefore it is high time to implement radical socio economic inclusion and empowerment of the deprived masses with equitable distribution and with overall political settlement.”

“The nation requires job opportunities for at least half a million people within the next ten years with increasing the share of private sector through trade in the GDP from existing 15% to 50% by rapid industrialization,” Khetan added.