Police arrest nearly two-dozen disabled people

July 26, 2006

Police arrested nearly two dozen physically challenged people from the protest programme organized by the Federation of Disabled People in front of Singha Durbar, the main administrative hub of the country demanding their representation in the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee.

Disabled people from various organizations blocking the road in front of Singha Durbar demanding the government fulfill their demands like participation in the interim constitution drafting committee and equality for them in every sector as soon as possible, Tuesday, July 25 06. nepalnews.com/ANA

Disabled people from various organizations blocking the road in front of Singha Durbar…
Police detained 14 physically challenged people at Mahendra Police Club and the rest at the Ward Police Office Tinkune.

Physically challenged people have been continuing their protests saying that the democratic government had neglected their demands. One of their demands is reservation for disabled people in all sectors.

They are scheduled to join the protest organized by Citizens Movement for Peace and Democracy at 4 p.m. in the afternoon.

Issuing a press statement on Tuesday, the National Human Rights Commission said that it is closely monitoring the demonstration.

The Commission has also urged the protestors to conduct their protest programmes peacefully respecting rights of others while enjoying their own constitutional rights.

It has also urged the government not to use unnecessary force that may suppress people’s fundamental rights.