Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala receiving the guard of honour at TIA prior to his departure to Delhi on an official visit to India, Tuesday, June 06 06.
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala receiving the guard of honour at TIA prior to his departure to Delhi on an official visit to India, Tuesday, June 06 06.
Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala left for the Indian capital, New Delhi, on a four-day visit Tuesday.
PM Koriala flew to New Delhi with his 41-member entourage by a Royal Nepal Airlines plane at 4:00 p.m.
Talking to reporters at the Tribhuvan International Airport before his departure, Koirala said his was a goodwill visit that he hoped the visit to be successful.
In India, he will meet with Indian President APJ Abdul Kalam, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and other leaders of Indian ruling and opposition political parties.
The visit will be focused on economic assistance to Nepal, according to Finance Minister Dr Ram Saran Mahat, who accompanies the PM to Delhi.
This is Koirala’s first foreign tour after his appointment as the Prime Minister on April 27 this year after a 19-day popular movement.