‘Pay attention to problems of farmers’

January 21, 2001

Butwal, Jan. 21 : Chairman of Nepal Communist Party-Marxist Prabhu Narayan Chaudhary inaugurating the national gathering of All Nepal Farmers’ Association here today said people are disenchanted today due to irresponsible activities of the political parties.

General secretary Madhav Gyawali pointed out the need for the government to give serious attention towards the problems of the farmers and landless settlers.

Politburo member Tilak Parajuli said some disenchanted youths of country have been carrying out suicidal work in the name of people’s war.

Loknarayan Subedi, also a politburo member of the party emphasised the need for the government to give priority to the resolution of farmers’ problems.

Association president Krishna Prasad Chaudhary presided.

The second session of the gathering today dissolved the central committee of the association and constituted a 19-member conference preparation committee under the convenorship of Krishna Bahadur Chaudhary to hold the central conference of the association within the next one year.