Panel formed to update guidelines for electronic media

January 3, 2001

Kathmandu, Jan. 3:  His Majesty’s Government, Ministry of Information and Communications has, in line with Article 20 of the National Transmission Regulations, constituted a nine-member committee with Prabhakar Adhikari, chief technical officer at the ministry, as convenor to prepare updated directives so that transmissions by the electronic mass media will become regular and planned.

The members of the committee are general manager of Nepal Television Durga Nath Sharma, executive director of Radio Nepal Shailendra Raj Sharma, a representative each from Kantipur FM and Sagarmatha FM from among FM radio services in the private sector, a representative from Image Channel from among television channels in the private sector, the president of the Nepal Cable TV Association, and under secretary Mukunda Prasad Acharya and legal officer Maniram Ojha of the Ministry of Information and Communications. Technical officer at the ministry Anup Nepal is member secretary of the committee.