Over two dozen protesting journalists arrested, two injured in Kathmandu

February 1, 2006

Wounded journalist Ramesh Bista being rust to hospital.

Wounded journalist Ramesh Bista being rust to hospital.
Police arrested over two dozen journalists and injured few others during a protest rally organised by the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) in Kathmandu on Wednesday to protest the media curbs since last year’s February 1 royal move.

Carrying banners written in slogans demanding press freedom, hundreds of journalists took out a rally at New Road, a restricted area. Soon after, the police intervened and beat up many of them.

Dozens of journalists from outside the capital and human rights activists also participated in the rally. Among those arrested include FNJ president Bishnu Nisthuri, senior journalists Harihar Birahi and Kanak Dixit.

Injured Journalist Bijaya Sivakoti.

Injured Journalist Bijaya Sivakoti.
Our correspondent on site said over the phone that journalists Ramesh Biata and Bijay Sibakoti were seriously injured in police beating. Bista fainted due to excessive beating while Sibakoti received injury on his head.

Armed Police Force (APF) personnel were also used mobilized to disrupt the journalists’ protest. The FNJ carried out protest rallies in different parts of the country, marking the February 1 as ‘black day’.