Police continued to use force to disrupt the protest of visually-impaired persons, demanding employment, in Kathmandu on the third consecutive day on Tuesday.
More than 90 visually-impaired persons were arrested and several others were injured when police intervened a protest rally organised by Nepal Visually-impaired Persons’ Group at Maitighar this afternoon.
Hundreds of visually-impaired persons had participated in the rally that began from Tripurshwor. Participants said police ruthlessly manhandled the protesters.
They were on their way to Singha Durbar to submit their training certificates to the Ministry of Labour. They also chanted slogans against the use of force by the police.
The arrested persons have been kept at the Ward Police at Singha Durbar.
Dozens of visually-impaired persons were arrested and many of them were beaten up by the police during protest rallies on Sunday and Monday in Kathmandu.
The group has been demanding that the government offer jobs to 500 visually-impaired persons at the earliest and provide a monthly ‘unemployment allowance’ of Rs 2,000 to others.