OHCHR condemns Maoist bombings in Pokhara

February 28, 2006

The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Nepal has condemned the recent blasts reportedly carried out by Maoist insurgents in the western town of Pokhara in which over a dozen civilians were injured.

Issuing a press release on Tuesday, OHCHR said, “OHCHR-Nepal condemns the bomb attacks, reportedly carried out by CPN (Maoist), in Pokhara on 25 and 27 February which injured at least 12 civilians, and calls on the leadership of the party to desist from further attacks in areas where they are likely to cause the killing or injury of civilians.”

The UN rights body said it has investigated the two bomb attacks in Pokhara, at Chorepatan on 25 February, and in Chipledhunga, a busy street in the tourist town, on 27 February.

“In each case, OHCHR-Nepal has found that the bombs were left in urban areas known to be frequented by civilians,” the statement said, adding that Monday’s bomb blast took place in a busy shopping area in the city centre in the middle of the day.

The international humanitarian law forbids the targeting of civilians and requires that combatants distinguish between military targets and civilians, the OHCHR further stated. “On either side of the conflict, both the direct perpetrators and those in command of forces who commit violations must be held accountable and may be subject to individual criminal responsibility before a court of law.”

Reminding the Maoist leadership of its commitments to abide by international human rights and humanitarian law, the OHCHR said the Pokhara blasts signaled an “increase of Maoist bombing in urban areas at busy times of the day, without any warning or other measures to avoid civilian casualties”.

“OHCHR-Nepal calls on the leadership of CPN (Maoist) to take all necessary measures to protect civilians and to ensure that its cadres respect their obligations under international humanitarian law. Actions such as these bomb attacks are against such laws,” the statement quoted a spokesperson for OHCHR-Nepal as saying.