Of Photogenic Models

July 5, 2001

By Uday Lama

OF late there has been an interest shown by young adults for modelling in general and the models in particular. This can be attributed to the glamour surrounding it and the wide publicity it has received. Once the seed is sown it is hard, nay even difficult to reverse the trend. Although its seamier side has yet to be divulged.

“Catch ‘em young” goes the quotation and nowhere is this more true than in this profession which is growing by leaps and bound. Catwalking the ramp is no longer a rare show to be attended by a handful of people; anyone with the right contacts can be on hand to watch and ogle.

Its hard steady work for those who aspire to be one with the modelling crowd. Despite the irregular hours and the absence of any form of security in hard cash, it is a chance to face the camera and expose oneself to critical acclaim. More can be learned in a hour of experience than a year of practice.

Good looks, a body to match and the right statistics can go a long way in making a model of a person. Smiling and putting on a brave front is not easy but the day’s work has to be gone through in spite of the ordeal. Though there are breaks from the camera shoot for a product or an ad and one can simply slip away.

Competing for the efforts that come one’s way takes some doing. Only those with guts and a bit of bravado can meet the expectations of the organisers. Being natural and appearing at ease all the time and while is part of the game. Although one may be exploiding with tension within.

Since this is a fledgling industry the perks provided for the growing number of would be wannabes are not much. And if it does materials its not enough to make a living. There are other stumbling blocks (like not being shown due recognition) what may persuade one to look elsewhere. While a promising start may launch one onto more lucrative ventures.

Getting started is the first step to gaining a toehold and the chances are slim of making it if the right overtures are not made. Anyone entertaining doubts would be advised to leave the field for others. Following the house rules and acquiring confidence on and off the ramp goes a long way in promoting self. This is what professionalism is all about.

Being in touch with the inner self means putting long hours in front of the mirror. Brushing up on the tips received, building postures and body language and trying out the come-hither smile to win hearts.

And slowly but surely the day will come when it all pays off and there is no more waiting in the wings but going out on the centre stage. Once the snowballing effect takes place there is no looking back and dividends are quick to come. Making a name for oneself is but a step away and calling the shots.