NRNs deplore their exclusion in CA polls

January 7, 2007

Representatives of various Nepalese American Organizations have expressed deep regret over the recent decision of the House of Representatives of Nepal to exclude Non Resident Nepalese (NRNs) from voting in the historic Constituent Assembly (CA) election.

Participants of a meeting of the Nepalese Americas Council (NAC), a coordinating body of all North American Nepalese–American organizations held in San Bernardino, California (USA) on Saturday strongly objected to the abrogation of the fundamental voting rights of NRN’s.

A press statement issued by the NAC said, the meeting has decided to request the House of Representatives to withdraw this move and restore the voting rights of NRN’s and to offer the services of NRNA to help facilitate the CA elections in various countries around the world.

“Participants reaffirmed their commitment to the all-around development of Nepal and their continuing stake in this process, especially, during the post-conflict reconstruction period that is now at hand. They also noted that non-resident Nepalese have been a mainstay of the Nepali economy over the past few years,” the statement added.

Representatives from more than 18 Nepalese-American organizations from all over North America, Dr. Upendra Mahato, President of the Non Resident Nepalese Association and International Coordinating Committee (NRNA-ICC) and Mr. Bhim Udas, the International Coordinator attended the meeting.

US Congressman Jim Walsh (R) New York sent a message wishing them a successful meeting and exhorted them to participate in the continuing peace and reconstruction of Nepal.

Assistant Secretary General of the UN Kul Chandra Gautam joined the meeting by teleconference and updated everyone on his latest trip to Nepal, the statement added.