NRNA establishes contact office for Nepalis stranded in Lebanon

August 8, 2006

The International Coordination Council of Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRN-ICC), a leading organization of overseas Nepalis, has opened a contact office in the City of Tripoli near Beirut, in order to establish contacts with Nepali nationals, who have been affected by the war.

In a press release, the NRN-ICC said the office is located at the Lebanon-Tripoli Boulevard Street in the City of Tripoli near Beirut and working to establish contacts with Nepali nationals living in Lebanon.

It is estimated that more than 4,000 Nepalis are currently living in the war-ridden country. Apart from a few rescued by India and international humanitarian organizations the fate of majority of Nepalis in the country remains unknown . NRN-ICC has requested Nepali nationals in Lebanon to contact Miss Zeina EL Haj of Company Rawabina at 961 6 427209 or 9613 304310 or via email to [email protected] .

Similarly, the association has established the ‘NRN Relief Fund for Nepalis in Lebanon’ in Kathmandu-based Sanima Bank with account number 0160 612 and Federal Bank of Middle East (FBME) in Cyprus to enable Nepalis living in Nepal and abroad to make financial contributions towards the relief efforts. The accounts will to be operated through NRN Secretariat and Tripoli-based contact office.

According to the President of NRN-ICC Dr. Upendra Mahato, the association will very soon make an appeal to the governments of Nepal, Lebanon, India and other SAARC countries for necessary help in rescue attempts of the Nepalis stranded there.