Not much improvement in Rizal’s health

August 7, 2005

Family members of veteran Bhutanese human rights leader, Tek Nath Rizal, say there hasn’t been any improvement in the health of the ailing leader.

Wife of Rizal, Kaushalya Devi, told Nepalnews Saturday afternoon that Rizal’s health condition had deteriorated overnight Friday but there was slight improvement.

Rizal was admitted at the Patan hospital (Bed no. 322) after suffering from high fever and backache, among others.

A team of doctors including Dr. Arjun Karki is examining Rizal to determine the cause of his ailments. Reports of medical tests performed on him are expected to be available by Sunday.

The 58-year-old politician blames severe torture he was subjected to while in Bhutanese prisons between 1989-99. He is living in exile after he was released by the Druk regime nearly six years ago amid intense international pressure.

Rizal has been championing the cause of democracy and human rights in Bhutan and right to return of fellow Lhotsampas (people from southern Bhutan) who are languishing in refugee camps in eastern Nepal for the last 15 years.

Talking to Nepalnews on Thursday, Rizal’s wife, Kaushalya Devi, had made an appeal urging people to help in the treatment of her husband.