Nobody can reverse republican wave: Dr. Bhattarai

January 10, 2007

Senior Maoist leader Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai (File photo)

Senior Maoist leader Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai (File photo)
Senior Maoist leader Dr. Babu Ram Bhattarai has said nobody can stop the country from turning into a democratic republic.

Speaking at a programme in the capital organised to launch a book “Raktakunda” (pond of blood) authored by journalist Krishna Abiral, Bhattarai said if some people were still trying to save the monarchy in the name of ceremonial King they would never be successful in doing so.

He further said the Nepali people were not ready to accept any form of monarchy.

The Maoist second-in-command remarked that Abiral’s book came something like a declaration of democratic republic in Nepal.

Speaking at the same programme, standing committee member of CPN-UML, Pradip Nepal commented that the book would be useful in the move to abolish monarchy.

Saying that Nepali people would not support the seven-party alliance and the Maoists if they fail to hold constituent assembly election by mid-June, he urged the SPA and the Maoists to hold CA polls in the stipulated time.

President of Federation of Nepalese Journalists, Bishnu Nisthuri said the state had been treating journalists as enemies. The government must correct its position, said he.

According to the author, ‘Raktakunda’ reveals the secrets of royal palace since the rule of Jung Bahadur Rana.

He claimed that all the happenings described in the book are real, based on his conversations with a mother and daughter who worked at the palace, and cross-checked the facts with palace and security officials.