A senior European Union (EU) diplomat, Javier Solana, has said he remains concerned by what he called lack of progress towards a return to democratic government at a time when Nepal faced many challenges to its stability.
EU?s representative for foreign and security policy Javier Solana (Photo source: newsfromrussia.com)
EU’s representative for foreign and security policy Javier Solana (Photo source: newsfromrussia.com)
In a statement issued on the occasion of the completion of first year of the direct royal rule in Nepal, Solana—who is the EU’s High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)—said the European Union “has made clear on repeated occasions, as a long-standing friend and partner of Nepal, that it shares His Majesty’s wish (from his proclamation to the nation last February) that Nepal be seen as ‘a progressive nation, occupying a pride of place in the international community, where democratic ideals thrive in a peaceful environment.’
“This is the right objective and can be attained. But in order for it to happen there has to be an urgent change of direction to deliver the peace, democracy and other civil liberties that the people of Nepal want and need,” The Hindu, a leading Indian newspaper, quoted Solana as saying.
“While the EU understands the difficulty of the security and humanitarian situation in the face of repeated Maoist atrocities, including Tuesday’s senseless attack, which we condemn unreservedly, it cannot condone the Government’s restrictions on the exercise of fundamental rights by the Nepalese people and its failure to engage on a negotiated settlement to the conflict,” Solana said. “It has long been clear that there can be no military solution to the current situation,” he added.
Mr. Solana urged His Majesty King Gyanendra and the royal government to show the necessary leadership and foresight by restoring all political and civil liberties, resuming dialogue with the main parties and taking steps towards a cease-fire and inclusive national dialogue to bring an end to the conflict.
“The sad failure by the King and his government to declare a truce and to engage in dialogue at the time of the recent Maoist unilateral ceasefire was an opportunity missed,” he said.
EU flag (File Photo)
EU flag (File Photo)
Solana also said that he, together with the whole EU, would continue to monitor closely the situation in Nepal and to press for early progress towards peace and genuine democracy, according to the news report.
In a statement issued on Friday, the European Union had called upon the King, the Nepal government and security forces to immediately restore all political and civil liberties in accordance with Nepal’s international obligations, immediately release all political prisoners and human rights defenders, and ensure that political and civil rights, including freedom of assembly and freedom of speech, can be exercised peacefully.