September 15, 2001
Panauti: Deputy Speaker Chitralekha Yadav has said that it is better to be a good man and serve the society rather than becoming a big man.
She was felicitating Ashta Mangal Bajracharya and giving away commendation letters to the volunteers at a programme organised at Panauti by Service Civil International Nepal on the occasion of the International Volunteers Day today.
No one is small or big in society as such a notion is created by “Bankrupt mind” to differentiate from big to small, she said adding that the need of the day is to serve the nation with the spirit of equality, and a feeling that the village, municipalities, societies and the nation belong to us.
Expecting everything from the government would set back villages and societies, she said.
Panauti Mayor Saptakaji Buddhacharya said that social and voluntary organisations should function with a sense of service.
President of Kabhre district committee of the Nepali Congress Madhu Acharya and a host of other speakers expressed their views at the function chaired by central president of the institution Suresh Sainju.