Nepse posts 5.36 percent growth

May 7, 2006

The index of Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) continued its bullish trend on the second consecutive week thanks to the good performance of the commercial banks group.

According to weekly data of Nepse, its index increased by 5.36 points over the week, reaching to 366.94 points on Thursday when the market closed, from 361.58 points of Sunday.

A total of 299,376 unit shares worth over Rs 136.5 million were traded over the week as compared to the 47,949 unit shares worth over Rs 24.6 million of the previous week.

The indices of commercial banks group, finance group and others group posted rise in the week. The indices of hotel group, insurance group, development banks group and manufacturing groups posted decline, while the index of trading group remained static throughout the week.

In group-wise breakdown of the share trading data, the commercial banks group posted a steady rise of 9.09 points. Its index opened at 410.17 points and closed at 419.26 points.

Index of the finance group rose slightly to 246.04 points, up from 245.03 points. The others group registered a rise of 5.21 points, with its index reaching 364.97 points up from 359.76 points.

However, the hotels group suffered loss, as its index fell to 178.34 points from 179.23 points. Indices of insurance and development banks groups decreased to 346.21 points and 291.61 points respectively, from 346.41 points and 292.53 points.

Manufacturing group posted a significant decline of 10.13 points, its index inching down to 279.68 points from 289.81 points. The index of trading group remained static at 141.27 points throughout the week.

Like, previous weeks, the commercial banks group dominated the floor of Nepal Stock Exchange capturing the 91.40 percent of the total share trading.

Insurance group made up 5.44 percent share while finance group took 1.39 percent share.