The index of Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) posted a nominal growth of 0.98 points last week as compared to the previous week.
The Nepse index, the country’s sole secondary market started at 305.30 points on Sunday and went up to 306.28 points on Thursday, the last day of the trading under the regular lot.
According to the data of Nepal Stock Exchange, a total of 62,532 units of shares worth Rs 23,173,158 were traded through 698 transactions throughout the week as compared to a total of 147,068 units of shares worth Rs 48,324,994 from 1,286 transactions last week.
The weekly trading report of Nepse shows that the index of the commercial banks group, posted a sound growth of 2.11 points, reaching its index to 330.52 points up from 328.41 points.
The insurance group showed an increment of 0.87, as its index climbed up from 330.82 on Sunday to 331.69 on the closing day. The hotel, manufacturing and trading group saw no change in their respective indices and their indices remained static at 181.26, 274.42 and 142.78 points respectively.
Like the previous weeks, the commercial banks group continued to capture the lion’s share with 68.37 percent of the total transaction. The share of development banking group comprised 20.53 percent of the total transaction, while the other group followed it by 4.30 percent.
The trading group and insurance group captured a meager 1.08 percent and 1.46 percent respectively.