Nepse index increases by 2.0 points

March 5, 2006

The index of Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) index showed an increment of two points over the week.

The weekly share trading at the country’s sole secondary market rose to 339.58 points up from 337.58 points.

The leading groups including commercial banks, development banks, manufacturing groups, insurance group and finance group posted growth while hotels, trade and others group remained constant.

The Nepse index posted a growth of 7.56 points in previous week.

According to the Nepse, a total of 168,614 units of shares worth Rs 94,962,588 were traded through 1,157 transactions during the week.

A total of 99,313 units of shares worth Rs 49,849,953 were traded through 991 transactions the previous week.

The index of commercial banks group that opened at 375.64 points on Sunday went up to 377.86 points on the closing day.

Likewise, manufacturing group index moved up from 286.32 points to 286.86 points, insurance group reached 343.75 points from 342.05 points and development banks moved up from 280.82 points to 288.50 points.

The weekly trading report shows that the indices of the trading groups, hotel and others remained constant at 148.07, 183.55 and 345.39 points respectively.

Of the total transactions that took place during the week, the commercial banks group captured a total of 79.99 percent share. The development banks had 16.33 percent while the finance group had 1.38 percent share.