The index of Nepal Stock Exchange (Nepse) continued its bullish trend posting a growth of 9.06 points over the week due to the rise in the share prices of the commercial banks.
The Nepse index that opened at 386.83 points on Sunday, the first day of the share transaction reached to the 395.89 points on Thursday, the last day of trading under the regular lot.
A total of 231,599 units of shares worth of Rs 76.7 million were traded over the week as compared to 123,819 unit shares worth Rs 53.9 million of the previous week.
Of the eight groups at the Nepse floor, half of them registered growth, two groups lost and hotel and trading groups remained constant.
The weekly trading report shows that the commercial banks group registered an impressive growth of 14.35 points. The group, which had gained over two points last week, opened at 437.49 points on Sunday and closed at 451.84 points on Thursday.
The indices of manufacturing, insurance and finance groups posted slight rise in their indices, with their indices rising to 301.77, 383.96 and 261.74 points respectively, up from 301.11, 381.25 and 261.37 points.
The other group lost 1.70 points, while the development banks group suffered a loss of 1.79 points over the week reaching their indices to 408.30 and 292.61 points respectively down from 410 and 292.61 points.
The indices of trading group and the hotel group remained constant at 148.11 points and 180.77 points respectively.
Like the previous weeks, the commercial banks group captured 74.63 percent share of the total transaction. The insurance group followed it and stood second with 12.05 percent, while the other group held 9.56 percent of the total transaction.
The finance group was able to capture 2.15 percent and the manufacturing group had 0.63 percent. The development banks group had 0.56 percent, 0.33 percent by trading and the hotel group a mere 0.08 percent share.