Nepali peacekeepers released in Congo

June 3, 2006

Congolese insurgents have released seven Nepali peacekeepers who were abducted on Sunday after a clash in Ituri district of the country’s north east.

Reports quoted Nepal’s permanent representative to the United Nations Madhu Raman Acharya as saying that they were released Friday afternoon and are on their way to Nepalese Army’s base in Mahagi.

Sergeant Gyan Bahadur Adhikari of Tanahun was killed in the clash while three others sustained injuries and are undergoing treatment at a local hospital in Congo.

The released peacekeepers have been identified as Gir Bahadur Thapa, Prem Bahadur Tha Ma, Tuk Jung Gurung, Chhatra Bahadur Basnet, Sher Bahadur Bista, Jhalak Kunwar and Kale Sarki, according to the Nepali mission.

They were held captive by an insurgent group known as the Front for National Integration (FNI).

A UN team including representatives from New York and UN Mission in Congo had negotiated their release.

The militants demanded US$20,000 ransom for the release of each peacekeeper.

There are 17,000 UN peacekeepers from different countries currently stationed in Congo.