Nepal King should restore democracy: US President

March 2, 2006

US President George W Bush, who is currently in India, said on Thursday that the Nepal King should reach out to the political parties to restore democracy in the Kingdom.

Speaking at a joint press conference in New Delhi following a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, Bush said he and the Indian premier “agreed” that the King Gyanendra should restore democratic process.

“On Nepal, we agreed that the Maoists should abandon violence and that the King should reach out to the political parties to restore democratic institutions,” AFP quoted the US president as saying.

A Nepali journalist based in New Delhi told Radio Sagarmatha that the US Pesident told the press conference that the US and India also agreed to work for protection of human rights in Nepal and Myanmar.

Bush arrived in New Delhi after a stopover in Afghanistan on Wednesday.

Along with India and the United Kingdom, the US has suspended its military supplies to Nepal after the royal move of February 1, 2005, and has been reiterating for reconciliation between the King and the parties.

Recently, US ambassador to Nepal, James F Moriarty, blasted the 12-point agreement between the seven-party alliance and the Maoists and called upon the parties and the King to mend fences.