NC for 8-point suggestion to Interim Constitution Drafting Committee

July 21, 2006

One of the major constituents of the ruling seven party alliance (SPA), Nepali Congress (NC), has developed eight-point suggestions for the Interim Constitution Drafting Committee.

Thursday’s Central Working Committee meeting of the party finalized the suggestions.

The document dwells on sovereignty, fundamental rights, monarchy and the formation of constitutional bodies, army, and the electoral process. The miscellaneous part deals with issues like citizenship, political parties and referendum.

“The leaders held a long discussion on the third part of the draft, which deals with the position of the king. While some said it is not necessary to mention the position of the king as the party has decided to scrap monarchy in its convention, others said a referendum should be held to decide the future of monarchy,” reports quoted a party leader.

The NC has argued that the existing parliament should remain intact and constitute an inclusive interim parliament through a proportional electoral system, electing representatives from different sectors of society including the Maoists.

Since the incumbent parliamentarians were directly elected by the people, representatives elected by the MPs could have similar status, an NC member claimed.

Similarly, the NC has underlined the need for arms management before implementing the interim constitution.