NC CWC meet concludes exchange of views will help party: Koirala

June 30, 2000

Kathmandu, June 30: A meeting of the Nepali Congress Central Working Committee (NCCWC) held under the chairmanship of its president and Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala at Prime Minister’s residence, Baluwatar concluded today by adopting various decisions.

Party spokesman Narahari Acharya said the meeting discussed the bases of the new budget presented by Finance Minister Mahesh Acharya, implementation of the proposed new programmes, the state of the organisation and preparations being made for the 10th general convention.

According to Mr Acharya, party president Koirala said views and ideas expressed by the central members and invitees will be helpful for the party and he has his own plan of action.

The party chief also informed the meeting that the NCCWC will meet again after the conclusion of the ongoing 18th parliamentary session.

The meeting also directed the party’s central leaders, MPs and members of the regional, district, town and village committees of the party to help prepare infrastructures for rural development, implement development programmes and the programmes based on people’s participation and effectively monitor the works aimed at alleviating poverty.

Similarly, it was also decided that other than those whose membership is unlikely to be renewed by the party’s statute, regulations and the central committee, active members are required to apply to the centre through the district committee by July 30 for renewal of membership, if the district fails to renew such membership the centre will monitor it and the list of individuals whose membership could not be renewed by the active member investigation committee will be produced to the Nepali Congress central working committee along with reasons.

The meeting today also decided to constitute a constitution amendment committee under the convenorship of party general secretary Sushil Koirala to recommend the amendment proposal to the central working committee, necessary amendments to be made in the party’s constitution to be presented at the 10th general convention of the party.

Bhim Bahadur Tamang, Narhari Acharya, Mahesh Acharya and Krishna Sitaula are members of the committee.

Likewise, the meeting decided to direct the parliamentary party to regularly monitor the role and activities of the ministers, MPs and office-bearers of the parliamentary party and provide weekly information to the party in order to make the role of Nepali Congress in both the Houses more effective and in the interest of the people taking into consideration the incidents when some important bills presented in the parliament were rejected due to absence of the party MPs.

The role played by the ministers and MPs in the parliament and its effectiveness will be considered as an important basis for distribution of ticket in the next general elections, it was decided at the meeting.

The meeting decided to prepare policy papers on every agenda to be presented at the NC general convention on Aug 4 and send them to the districts for discussion, and to form a task force for the formulation of a code of conduct for NC members holding high positions, especially the 
ministers, MPs, central committee office bearers and members and the district presidents.

The task force with K. B. Gurung as the convenor has Chiranjibi Wagle, Maheshwor Singh, Dr. Ram Sharan Mahat and Purna Bahadur Khadka as members.

The NCCWC meeting has instructed the government to take immediate measures to abolish the Kamaiya (bonded labour) system, which has remained as a blot on the image of the country.

Expressing full support to the encouraging initiative taken by the people of Kalikot against the terror and violence being perpetrated in the name of the Maoist, the meeting condemned the heinous and inhuman crime committed by the so-called Maoists at Panchkatiya, Jajarkot recently.

It has also demanded that the government provide due compensation to the victims.

The NCCWC has also expressed its commitment to ensuring the passage of the women’s property right bill under consideration in parliament and introducing a Dalit Bill in parliament as soon as possible.