NC central members express dissatisfaction over 8-point agreement

June 19, 2006

Nepali Congress central committee members have expressed strong reservation over the eight-point agreement reached between the seven political parties and Maoists during the summit talks on Friday.

Speaking at an informal meeting of the party held at its headquarters in Sanepa, they charged the party leadership of making such an important agreement in a hurry and without doing proper homework.

While accepting the agreement as positive for restoring peace in the country and ending the decade long Maoist insurgency that has claimed the lives of more than 13,000 Nepalis, they expressed dissatisfaction over the issue of dissolving the House of Representatives after issuing an interim constitution.

The meeting also discussed the current political situation following the agreement between the government and the Maoists on Friday.

Most of the central committee members expressed the views that Maoists should not be included in the interim government unless the issue of weapon management is settled.

The leaders said that decision of dissolution of House of Representatives during the summit talks was not appropriate as the parliament, in its historic proclamation, said that the house would not be dissolved unless there is some representative body.

The eight-point understanding reached between seven party alliance and the Maoists had agreed to form an interim government including the Maoists within a month after the interim constitution was formed within 15 days. The agreement also agreed to dissolve the parliament and people’s government of Maoists after issuing an interim constitution.