National folk music, dance fest opened

June 9, 2000

Kathmandu, June 9: Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation Minister Tarini Datta Chataut today inaugurated National Folk Music and Dance Festival jointly organised by Royal Nepal Academy and Nepal Tourism Board.

Fourteen groups representing the all the zones of Nepal are taking part in the festival that will run for three days.

According to the organisers, the first of the competing groups will be given a prize of 25 thousand rupees while the second and the third will receive 20 and 15 thousand rupees respectively. The rest 11 participating groups will be given a consolation prize of five thousand rupees each, they said.

Minister Chataut, who is the Joint Chancellor of the Academy, said that such programmes would not only preserve the national culture and heritage but would promote tourism, one of the most important sources of foreign currency income.

“Since art, culture, music and literature are an integral part of national identity, the nation’s development is reflected in the promotion of these sectors,” he said.

The Academy’s Vice Chancellor Poet Mohan Koirala said that the Academy was committed to promote folk dances and music with the available sources.

The Festival Co-Ordinator Nir B. Shah said some 400 thousand rupees was spent in the programme. “But the amount is negligible in comparison to its achievement in our efforts to preserve national culture.”

Nepal Tourism Board Executive Chief Pradip Raj Pandey said NTB, dedicated to promote tourism, would play significant role in preserving national culture and heritage.

The Academy Member-Secretary Dr. Tulsi Prasad Bhattarai extended the vote of thanks to all who contributed to the successful completion of the programme.