Mother’s Day today

May 4, 2000

Kathmandu, May 4:Matatirtha or Mother’s Day is being celebrated across the country by offering fruits and sweets at the Matatirtha Kunda or pond at  Thankot today in memory of their departed mothers on the occasion of Matatirtha Aunsi or Mother’s Day.

The historic Matatirtha Pond is the subject of an ancient legend according to which the diety Lord Bishnu asked people who had lost their mothers to bathe in its water and then gave them a glimpse of the departed mothers.

The legend also mentions a piece of bread thrown into the pond by a cowherd who no longer had a mother, thereby initiating the tradition of honouring mothers on this day.

The Mother’s Day also celebrated by sons and daughters who present sweets, clothing and gifts to their living mothers.

Those without mothers make religious offerings in memory of the departed mothers.