More needs to be done to ensure press freedom: media mission

September 5, 2006

Representatives of visiting media mission have said that there are still a lot of things that needs to be done to ensure media freedom in a changed political scenario.

Speaking at a seminar organized by the Federation of Nepalese Journalists (FNJ) on Monday, second day of their five day long visit to Nepal, Jesper Hojberg, Director of International Media Support (IMS) said, “Though democratic process has been established there are still lot of things to be done for the protection and promotion of Nepalese media and there is no time for complacency.”

Christopher Warren, President of International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) said “The success of People’s Movement II has opened the process of transformation of Nepalese society and the role of leaders of Nepal is critical in this process.”

Toby Mendel from Article 19 emphasized on the legal and policy reformation to ensure the press freedom and freedom of expression. Andrea Cairola from UNESCO expressed that press freedom is essential not only for democratic process but also for development and good governance.

On the second session of the seminar, Suresh Acharya, former FNJ President, presented a working paper on “Government media/institution” highlighting the existing legal framework and practice of government media.

Prateek Pradhan, Editor of The Kathmandu Post, presented paper on “Print media issues and recommendation,” Ghama Raj Luitel, member of Federation of Independent Radio Broadcasters presented a paper titled “Challenges of independent radio in Nepal”, Taranath Dahal, former FNJ President presented a paper on “Television broadcasting in Nepal: status, problems and recommendations”, Babita Basnet, President of Sancharika Samuha presented a paper on “Women in Nepalese media” and Binod Dhungel, News Chief of Nepal FM presented his paper titled “Rights and safety of working journalists.”

The international participants shared their own experiences and provided suggestions on various issues that were raised in the paper.

In his welcome speech, president of FNJ, Bishnu Nisthuri expressed his gratitude for the solidarity and support that the international media community showed through press freedom advocacy and global campaigns during the movement against the royal regime.

The mission delegates had a meeting with Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister K.P Oli at Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

They discussed on the issues of press freedom and freedom of expression in the changing political situation of Nepal.

Expressing his full commitment Deputy Prime Minister Oli ensured the delegates that government will take all necessary initiatives as per the suggestions from High level media commission to guarantee press freedom and freedom of expression.

Mission delegates also meet with David Johnson, acting head of OHCHR on Monday evening.