More kudos on SPA-Maoist agreement

November 12, 2006

As various organizations are hailing the recent agreement between the ruling seven party alliance (SPA) and Maoists, Nepalese Democratic Forum (NDF) on behalf of the Nepali community living in the US, has expressed sincere gratitude to ruling SPA and the Maoists for accomplishing a historical agreement.

A press statement issued by the NDF said, “At this historical moment, the Nepalese Democratic Forum would like to express a very special acclamation to Prime Minister and President of the Nepali Congress Girija Prasad Koirala who took a major political gamble by signing a 12-point agreement in November 2005 that ultimately paved the way to present agreement.”

The NDF further said this agreement should be a turning point for building up a new Nepal.

The NDF also requested all the political parties in Nepal to maintain their mutual trust and consensual approach to accomplish the spirit of the agreement.

The Nepali community living in the US is ready to contribute its share in the building up a new Nepal, the statement assured.

Meanwhile, a statement issued by various organizations of Nepalis residing in different countries of Europe also welcomed the historic deal between the ruling SPA and Maoists.

The statement further said that the agreement will pave the way for making a new Nepal.

The joint statement issued by the United Nepali Front Europe, Nepali Society UK, Nepali Janajati (Indigenous people) Concern Forum Europe, International Nepali Solidarity Forum Germany, Nepali Janajati (Indigenous people) Concern Forum Belgium, International Nepali Solidarity Forum Switzerland and Nepal Progres Forum France said that the agreement is the defeat of the international forces that are acting against the aspiration of Nepali people.

The statement also asked all to follow the agreement as per people’s aspiration and work against the conspiracies being hatched by the regressive forces.

The statement also demanded to make provision of participation of Nepalis residing abroad to participate in the process of making a new Nepal and allow them to vote in the election of the constituent assembly.