MJF Morang demands Gachhadhar be recalled from govt

December 15, 2008

Madheshi Janadhikar Forum (MJF) district committee, Morang, on Monday demanded that Minister for Physical Planning and Works and party’s parliamentary party leader Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar be recalled from the government.

Saying that Gachhadar had made a very “provocative statement” against the ‘One Madhesh, One Province’ demand of Terai centric parties two days ago, MJF’s Morang district committee has urged the party’s Central Committee to relieve him from his ministerial responsibility by calling him back from the government.

In a joint statement issued by MJF’s Morang district committee chairman Jayanarayan Yadav and secretary Mrityunjaya Jha, Gachhadar has been accused of giving statements against the party policy.

The decision to recall Minister Gachhadar was taken at a meeting of MJF district committee held yesterday, it has been learnt. MJF lawmakers had also raised serious objection to Gachhadar’s statement at the meeting of the legislative-parliament yesterday.

On Saturday, Gachhadar had said the demand for single Madhesh province has now become irrelevant. nepalnews.com ag Dec 15 08