Media persons flay recommendation of HLMRC

September 23, 2006

The leading media persons have objected to the recommendation submitted by the High Level Media Recommendation Commission (HLMRC) on its report regarding 49 per cent foreign investment in media sector.

Speaking at an interaction organised by the Press Chautari Nepal in the capital on Friday, they called on the government not to implement the report immediately saying that it was prepared without necessary consultations with the media sector.

Speaking at the interaction, General Secretary of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists Mahendra Bista said that the report is insufficient because it has greatly emphasised foreign investment.

The HMMRC has recommended the government to allow 49 percent foreign investment in the media sector. The report however said that chief of such media organization and editorial staffs should be Nepali.

The issue of foreign investment in media remained a controversial issue after foreigners showed their interest to invest in Nepali media sector.

Editor of the Sanghu Weekly Gopal Budhathoki said it is regrettable that the HLMRC did not take any advice from weekly newspapers.

Chairman of Weekly/Fortnightly Newspapers Network Dev Prasad Tripathi accused that the report has not paid any interest to strengthen Weekly Newspapers.

Convener of the Right to Information Bill Draft Task Force Kashiraj Dahal said that the Committee will prepare a Bill related to Right to Information as per the aspirations of the Jana Andolan II.

Convener of the HLMRC Radheshyam Adhikari said that the recommendations related to right to information were prepared after extensive discussion, those subjects, which are not covered can be included in the days to come.