Maoists call off nationwide transport strike

September 13, 2006

The Maoist rebels have lifted the nationwide transport strike called by them protesting what they claimed as the government’s import of arms from India.

In a statement issued this evening, Maoist Chairman Prachanda said that the strike announced this morning has been withdrawn.

“The government’s act of bringing arms, influenced by foreign reactionary forces, indicates that the government is conspiring against the people’s desire for peace and democracy,” said Prachanda.

The government said that the allegation was baseless. The Indian Embassy and Indian Foreign Ministry also clarified that arms were not exported to Nepal.

The ceasefire code of conduct monitoring committee, formed to monitor the 25-point ceasefire code of conduct signed between the government and the Maoists after its preliminary investigation also said that no arms were found imported by the government.

The normal life across the country paralyzed on Wednesday due to the strike called by the Maoists alleging that the government imported cache of arms from India to foil the peace process.