Maoists bomb govt offices in Banke, Bardiya

January 14, 2006

Maoists carried out explosions in two government offices in Banke and Baridya districts Saturday morning.

The Maoists detonated pressure two cooker bombs at the No.2 Survey Office at Nepalgunj, Banke district, at around 5:45 p.m. Reports said two rooms of the office building located at Surkhet Road were destroyed in the blast, but no casualty took place.

The Maoists, who came in a small group, had taken the security guard under control before entering to the Survey Office.

Security has been beefed up in Nepalgunj following the explosion, reports added.

In a similar incident, the rebels bombed the Land Revenue Office in Gulariya, Bardiya district, this morning. Reports quoting local security officials said parts of the office building were destroyed in the blast.