Amid criticism from all walks of life for forceful collection of donations, one of the central committee members of the Maoists, Pampha Bhusal has said that the party is not collecting donations forcefully.
“We [Maoists] are not forcing peoples for donations, it is voluntary,” claimed Central Committee member of CPN-Maoist Pampha Bhushal, speaking at an interaction in the Capital, Thursday. She claimed so amid criticism that Maoists are forcing people for donations. Sep 14 06.
“We [Maoists] are not forcing peoples for donations, it is voluntary,” claimed Central…
Speaking at an interaction at Reporters’ Club on Thursday, she claimed that the recently concluded central committee meeting of the party decided only to collect voluntary collection of donations.
When asked as their lower level cadres are forcing people to give donations, she said that it is against the party policy.
Her clarification came at a time when tourism entrepreneurs were compelled to knock the door of Prime Minister following the Maoists threats of action if they failed to give donations as demanded by the Maoists.
Coming down heavily to the government, she alleged that the government was hatching conspiracy to thwart the elections to the proposed constituent assembly.
Speaking at the same programme, senior leaders of the ruling seven party alliance themselves have criticized the government charging it with failing to move as per the concept of a coalition government.
Coming down heavily on Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala, they charged he was dancing to the tune of the foreigners.
Vice-chairman of people’s Front Nepal Lila Mani Pokhrel said Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala has reduced himself to the stature of an advisor to the US Ambassador to Nepal forgetting that he is the chief administrator of the country, according to reports.
Arjun Nurshing KC of the Prime Minister’s own Nepali Congress and Jhal Nath Khanal of the CPN-UML said that crisis of confidence was developing within the ruling alliance since the government was not following the coalition culture.