Majgainya gives away Sajha awards

July 12, 2000

Kathmandu, July 12: Minister of State for Agriculture and Cooperatives Baldev Sharma Majgainya gave away the Sajha Puraskar, Lok Sahitya Puraskar, Sajha Bal Sahitya Puraskar and Garima Samman Purasakar of 2055 B.S. to various literary personalities at a programme organised by the Sajha Publications on the occasion of the 187th Bhanu Jayanti.

Poet Manjul received the Sajha Purasakr for “Mrityu” (death, a collection of poems), Hansapure Subedi the Loksahitya Puraskar for “Nepali Lok Jeevan and Lok Vishwas” (Nepali Folk Life and Folklores) and Kanak Mani Dixit the Sajha Bal Sahitya Puraskar for “Kaubudhi Ra Aru Katha” (Kaubudhi and other stories).

Similarly, Abhi Subedi and Mrs Bhuwan Dhungana received the Garima Samman Puraskar for their prose works “Pasina Ra Nadi” (sweat and river) and “Ma Ra Satabdi” (me and the century) respectively.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Majgainya said even though only one good work may make a writer immortal, authors will find themselves at high esteem when they can live on their own works.

Chairman of the Sajha Publications Bishnu Prasad Ghimire, senior critic Krishna Chandra Singh Pradhan, poet Manjul and general manager of the Sajha publications Netra Prasad Adhikari also expressed their views at the function.

On the occasion, poets Daibagya Raj Neupane, Ghataraj Bhattarai, Bam Bahadur Thapa “Jitali”, Ghanashyam Kharel and Pashupati Acharya had recited their poems.