Law to end untouchability demanded

February 17, 2006

Intellectuals have demanded the formation of strong law that can help in eradicating untouchability in the society.

At an interaction programme organised by Lawyers’ Campaign Against Untouchability (LANCAU) on Thursday, participants were of the view that existing feeble laws have not been effective to deliver justice to the dalit community.

Former Member of Parliament (MP) Man Bahadur Biswakarma said that the state has to be more responsible for ending discrimination and untouchability in the society. He claimed that the new laws should provide room to fine the oppressors. He also mentioned filing cases against such discriminations is difficult.

Former MP Rishi Babu Pariyar said that some of the incidences of oppression against dalits are so unnatural that they cannot be made public.

Chairman of LANCAU Ratna Bahadur Bagchand said discrimination and untouchability could not end unless laws provide strong action against oppressors.

Member of National Dalit Commission Dinesh Achhami said that the commission has not been empowered to work in this direction.

Untouchability has been a serious problem in the rural parts of the country. Despite big investment by foreign donors and activities of Nepalis NGOs to end untouchability, social dogma and religious affinity of the Nepali society have made it difficult. The census of 2001 states the population of dalits at over 4 million.