Kathmandu: President Girija Prasad Koirala is silent at the moment. He is perhaps sensing the mood of his own party colleagues over whether he should push his yet another candidacy for the Congress presidency or await a few months more so that the “irritated” colleagues by then will have exhausted.
The fact is that Koirala is internally determined for this third candidacy for the presidency but concurrently appears afraid what if his own party colleagues rally against his candidacy en masse? Thus he is forced to keep silence until an opportune moment for the declaration for his contesting for the presidency.
Now let’s see what would happen to the congress with and without Girija Prasad.
With Girija Prasad yet again at the congress helm of affairs, things will not change much that means that Koirala will steer the party as he has been doing. Clearly speaking, with Koirala again as the president of the party would confirm that Congress is Koirala and vice versa and nothing more than that. In addition to these, what could be expected of him during his possible third round of party presidency that he will make sure that the party falls in the folds of the Koirala’s so that a sort of ancestral lineage is drawn for ever. If this happens then senior Koirala would very much prefer to push his daughter, Sujata-Jost-Koirala at the first place and if he fails in his efforts in elevating his daughter’s ranks in the party then he would have two options: either vote in favor of Sushil Koirala or if Shailaja comes to his terms then it could be Shailaja Acharya. If she disagrees to Koirala’s terms then she would be dumped in the wastebasket.
However, there is the possibility that the party will come to a virtual standstill if senior Koirala shows his political preference for his daughter or for that matter any other who is supposed to be close to Koirala.
But then the fact is that Sushil and Shailaja are the ones who have dedicated their prime years in the party and hence if they so desire then the rest of the party colleagues will have to gulp the bitter pills for these two leaders are the senior most in the crowd of many in the party.
Sushil has already declared that he would not contest for the presidency if senior Koirala jumps in the race for the presidency. So would be perhaps the declaration of Ms. Shailaja in case Girija Prasad decides to contest the elections for the presidency. If Koirala is not in the race, let’s assume for the moment, then Shailaja would wish to occupy the post of the presidency.
Poor Ram Chandra Poudel is the one who is expecting this time that he would be favored by the Koiralaites and the rest for the presidency. Could be his hoping against hope! Mr. Poudel is the one who has apparently felt the brunt of the Koiralaites as and when he has tried to elevate his image in the party.
Mr. Poudel, nevertheless, understands well that senior Koirala will not detach himself with the presidency until he counts his last breath but then yet trying to project himself to be in the race for presidency.
The fact is that senior Koirala knows very well that the moment he is out of the presidency, he will be stripped off of all the prestige and dominance what he commands while being the presidency and thus he would prefer to continue for the third round still. He also knows that being in a position means to be close to the power corridors for which he has a born-lust.
Indeed, in doing so he will make eloquent lectures and would assure his second generation leaders, the aspirants for the presidency indeed, that they will have honorable positions in the party and that the “bad-names” of the party will be brushed aside. Interestingly, Koirala’s detractors will once again take his words in its face value only to be betrayed later as is the experience of the past.
Be that as it may, if Koirala retains the presidency, he would in all probability wish to unite the party for he now understands well that cost of living separate is far greater than the benefits of living together.
Let’s presume that Koirala will announce his candidacy one fine morning or will manage several of his district level party men who will be told to demand Koirala’s presidency once more. This tact he has exhibited in the past, to recall.
Nepali analysts feel very sorry for all those congressmen who wish to fix themselves in the chairs of Koirala.