Koirala detractors wish to cash CIAA initiatives: wage a crusade

May 9, 2001

Kathmandu: Hardly had the Lauda investigating authority served few questions to the sitting prime Minister, Girija Prasad Koirala, the rival faction in the congress picked up the issue and managed its grand propaganda indicating all and sundry that it was the right and opportune moment to take an “appropriate revenge” from a Prime Minister who had caused their government’s to die a premature death at previous occasions.

Understandably and quite imaginably, the men in Koirala’s rival camp led by two Prime Ministers, Sher Bahadur Deuba and Krishna Prasad Bhattarai who had been the visible and naked victim of Koirala’s machinations became suddenly active and made it a point to cash in on the CIAA’s letter to the hilt.

In the process, Sher Bahadur Deuba wasted no time and issued rather a polite and modest statement suggesting Koirala to “resign” to save his long and “illustrious” career albeit in the congress and the national politics.

Interpretation might differ from person to person, however, the gist of Deuba’s statement summarily sought Prime Minister Koirala’s resignation which also implied that should the latter resign the road for him would be clear to assume the chair at the moment occupied by his “declared rival”‘.

Not surprising therefore, only a day before the CIAA served questions to Koirala, a beaming Deuba in his home constituency surprised many a brains there at a hurriedly summoned congress gathering wherein he divulged the secret that the “nation is awaiting to hand over the mantle of power on to his shoulders and that the time had come that he would assume power”.

It is puzzling, however, as to how Deuba who was not in Kathmandu could “guess” that the CIAA is all set to harass Koirala with the five point sealed questions.

Well, this is Nepal’s conspiratorial politics. We have taken it for granted for obvious reasons.

Yet another seasoned politician who “utilised” the event Koirala being served the questions by the CIAA to the maximum was none less than former Prime Minister K.P.Bhattarai who apparently felt that it was time to play villain to his nearest and dearest rival Koirala much the same fashion as the latter had pulled the carpet under his feet which caused formers’ regime to collapse.

To recall, it was a jarringly weeping K.P. Bhattarai who said good bye to the nation last year when his “friend” Koirala brought down his regime so mercilessly and unceremoniously.

“My contention has come to true that Koirala is involved in the Lauda air deal has been further testified by the CIAAs letter sent in the name of the Prime Minister”, said a beaming Bhattarai in a statement after the CIAA sent the sealed letter to the Prime Minister.

“It is really unfortunate to know that instead of helping the authority in the Lauda affair, the Prime Minister through his reply to the questions posed by the Commission has dared to challenge the very authority of the Commission”‘, added Bhattarai in the statement.

Be that as it may, Bhattarai and Deuba’s statement issued in the recent days apparently has emboldened all those declared Koirala detractors in the congress camp to make it a point to cash to the extent that a troubled and perplexed Koirala finally yields.

Quite understandably, this is what the entire opposition demands.

Meanwhile, the opposition led by the UML is all set to chart some other “forceful initiatives” in order to force Prime Minister Koirala to resign. The programs reportedly will be made public in the impending days.

Unconfirmed reports have it that some of the enthusiasts in the congress camp have already begun to capture the signatures of those congress lawmakers who wish to see the abrupt downfall of Koirala regime for good. A no confidence motion against Koirala can’t be ruled yet another round at the congress parliamentary party at first and then the same at the Parliament in cooperation with the opposition. However, the fact is that Koirala enjoys comfortable majority in the parliamentary party.

This means that the anti-Koirala lobby in the congress in full cooperation with the opposition forces would proceed with full speed in order to force Koirala to quit the chair.

However, Almighty has been kind to Koirala. At least till the Chinese Prime Minister is in Nepal, his chair will remain safe.

Imaginably, the efforts to destabilize Koirala will begin instantly Premier Rongzhi is out of the Nepali sky.

This finally means that the impending budget session too would be packed with hair raising events and ugly scenes, which hopefully would entertain men within and without.